Can you Yodel When you Gargle?
Can you Yodel When you Gargle? In the land of the setting sun, where the gazelles and high mountains loom, there is […]
Can you Yodel When you Gargle? In the land of the setting sun, where the gazelles and high mountains loom, there is […]
Be Relentless Dreams are slippery, shadowy things, and it takes vigilance, a no-give up, complete pursuit, and a dedicated soul to keep […]
Create a Destiny Everything you want, you wish to have, that you desire, that is in the creative-mode of your mind to […]
Pure Delight Did you know you have a choice of how to feel, how to take a pleasant attitude and extrude it […]
Wake Up, It’s Tomorrow! Ok, it is time to begin, to start a dream, to keep at it, to focus, to never […]
Scintillating States of Mind What can you do this very morning, at the excited beginning of the day to blow away your […]
Inspired Momentum How can you get activated, enthralled, with pure and undiluted inspiration, enthusiasm to live above the waterlines, to high jump, […]
Reasons What will motivate you today, will take the pain and rearrange it into delighted inspiration? No matter what storms are raging […]
If you will acknowledge the good, you will see the good, the good in all people, in all situations, in all circumstance. […]
Everywhere you go, in every country, there is a man/woman with a dream, and that person, whether they realize it or not […]