March 26, 2014Uncategorized Expand Your Beliefs/Anticipations To achieve more, to have more, to create, manifest and see it all show up in your physical world, it is very […]
March 16, 2014Uncategorized Lead Your Own Ship There is a buzz in the world, on the local grass roots level, to find, to get, to be better at leadership. […]
March 9, 2014Uncategorized Sacred Bewilderment As you progress, regress, awaken, deviate, become—set your highest aspirations as a bar in the sky. Detail your plans for taking over […]
March 8, 2014Uncategorized Do The New Why should you want to do new things, to accelerate change, get out of routines, ruts and automaton behaviors? What can you […]
March 4, 2014Uncategorized The Oak and the Willow This is life, and it is imperative, vital that you stand tall in the harsh winds, that you have a backbone, have […]