To rise above all comfort zones, to push the limits, to push the envelope, to delve into new territories, to accomplish new things…first comes the dream, the belief, the excited anticipation.
If you can image it, if you can taste the dream, if you can stand of the edge of a dream that has not yet arrived… and see it, believe it, smell it, realize it is already here, not in actuality, not in your physical reality, but in your mind first, in your belief-part of your own imagination first, then the universe starts unraveling, creating and laying the foundation for that dream that has already arrived, that is anticipated to arrive soon, in the wee hours of your fertile imagination.
Creating what you desire, going beyond what you have done before, delving into the possibilities of what can happen, then first taste it, see it come into focus, watch and see how things begin to happen.
You have no clue how, no clue why, it is as if you are waving a magic wand over your prescribed destiny, a reality that you have written a prescription for, and you now just need to fill the prescription and you are waiting with anticipation, with glee, with a song in your heart, with Christmas-Eve excitement to open the presents that you can see under the tree.
The order has been placed in the malleable universe, and you are waiting with anticipation of that prescription to be filled, not for medication, but with meditation and mediation between what is and what will be….with presents under the tree, with good things that will change the course of your life, with a highlight of the ensuing adventure that creates the reality that you are courageous enough and brave enough to believe in, to vision out into the vectors of a dream-filled, a vision-filled life.
You have nothing to do in this life but dream a dream, create a pathway in your head, (new pathways) and watch things take off, maneuver their ways into this field of dreams, like wild flowers growing toward the sun, like truth in a moment’s notice, like what you really, really want to happen that with belief, with anticipation, with resolve—then it can do nothing but begin, form on the very edge of sugar plums dancing in your head, on the very edge of what is placed in detail (with emotion) in your mind’s eye.
The presents are under the tree, all you have to do is open them, open your mind, open the door to the universe that will grant your every wish.