Your Last Stand


Your Last Stand


 What if today, this instant, you made a decision for it to be your last stand against mediocrity, against complacency, incompletion, in the forever fantasy of dreaming but not getting the results? 


How about just this one day you finally draw the line, stay the course of something remarkable.  Figure out how to push, extend, expand those comfort zones into something miraculous, to do and get results and make changes that actually appear in the material world, in your physical reality.


What if today was your last stand against negativity, sloppy thinking, bad karma, lost hope, slumps, low energy, and just-getting-by living?  And you made this the day where you finally decide to succeed massively, to create and dream again, to not just wish and hope and leave your mind in the fuzzy, cloudy ethereal world, but decide to change the entire course of your generation and leave a legacy for your children, your grandchildren, for those you love and will influence?


And, then, this instant, right now, you decide to never give up and never settle, and never again buy into excuses of blame or worry or fret or complaining or bad health or bad finances or cash flow issues or limiting thinking or fear or all the negating and low-flying emotions that nail you to the earth, when you were born and meant to fly, to soar, to create greatness.


What if today was your last stand for accepting the status quo, living in the doldrums, for living in the shadows of your natural greatness?


What if, right now, you decide to step into the light, your light, the supreme being of who you are actually, filled with huge power, personal power that you can and will use to create, to make reality happen, to change the course of your destiny, because you can and will and shall never live (for even another moment) in the subdued light, the acceptance of, “that is just the way it is?”

Strive and thrive.  Believe and achieve.  Give and live.  Race and win.  Draw the line in the sand, for today is your last stand to keep the ball rolling, to live way above waterline, not merely to just get through the day. 

This is and shall be your last stand against your own limitations, your own negativity, your own low sirens and drones in the winds of listless living.

Decide to create something marvelous, wonderful, amazing, remarkable, with élan and bliss and joy and love.

Let residual fumes, a magic trail, get lost in your wake as you rush and meet the perfection of living, as find your inner gifts and you use your talents to make, create, design, achieve, imagine the life that others will deem miraculous.

 Because today, this moment, you finally draw a line in the sand, take a last stand, standup for something, and create a real destiny rather than just drifting…or leaving the exceptional for tomorrow.

Today you will live like no other day, and you will leave the engrained habits, the accepted limitations, “the excusitis” behind and shine, grow and become and do and have and make leaps, quantum gains.

Let your higher emotions, your noble thoughts guide you, and give you everything you need right now to achieve your defined dreams in your head—the passion in your heart, the truth that was given to you as a child…to love and be happy and be filled with inspiration so as to live as you once were as an inspired child before the world convinced you otherwise, and you let the world decide your parameters.

Today is your last stand.  You will never take a worthy idea, a burning desire and not complete it.  Your life will be complete because you will decide to do it to completion, to a result, to the end, and watch the money roll in, the bliss and ecstasy grow into who you really are, not locked out by the fences you have built in your head. 

There are no fences in your head, no roadblocks, no speed bumps or detours or walls or barriers for you because you have made a last stand against all these perceived challenges, self-created doubts and cleaned out your soul.

You are now ready, this instant, to begin and start over and go beyond everything you have yet attempted so far. 

The greatest part of the adventure, your life’s adventure, starts now, is still ahead, around the bend, soon to arrive. 

This is the last stand for you to now create, to now live in the skies and heavens and spiritual perfections that have always been there for you; and this higher order is glad to take your hand and help you build your dreams, your castles in the air, today, this moment. 

Go for it. “Life is an adventure, dare it.”—Mother Teresa.