What is the most important thing you can concentrate on this day? What is the one thing that if accomplished, if completed to its end, would have the biggest impact on your life? What is the one thing that is the most meaningful, purposeful, where you can build an ideal, a vision around, that you can see done before you even begin?
Every human being has a purpose, a burning desire, a road up ahead they wish to travel, an idea they want to make happen. What is yours? What is it that you love to do so much, that when doing it, when involved, when in pursuit, or captured by its effervescence dazzle, you lose time, time stops, time goes by in leaps of hours, and you don’t even notice?
But there might be another idea here, that can penetrate the human inspired moments, and that is: Paralleling efforts and dreams and important things so they all work together, hum, leave you in states of high energy and amazement.
What does this mean? Ok, simply take your physical health for an example. It may not be the most important one thing to focus on, but it should be. For as you are in peak states of health, as you concentrate much of your efforts on being extremely physical fit, it will fuel you, give you the energy and the piqued inspiration to pursue a dream.
And if you save money, everyday, 10% from a young age, and never stop; it may not be the exact burning desire you have to accomplish something great, but it will give you a foundation on not stressing over money, so you can go live in the woods like Thoreau, or in Maui like Wayne Dyer.
So it is the concentration and paralleling of the important things in your life that gives the richness and freedom to do and have and be and see and go and accomplish the most incredible things.
So to put them all in order of priority, like the 5f’s: Faith, family, friends, fitness and finance in that order, may be a good idea, may seem like a logical progression, but life is not always logical, does not always follow linear timelines. Fitness can be woven into all that you do, so you drink a lot of water while you are writing a book, or you stand instead of sit as you are contacting people, or you eat small healthful snacks all day as you accomplish something pirouetting into the sky.
Weave these important things into a full life. Some believe there is no such thing as balance, that to create massive success you need to be out of balance for chucks of time. There is a truth to this, but eat badly, sleep badly, never see your family, so you can finish that project, so you can burn the midnight oil, yes, this can accomplish things in huge leaps and chunks of time. It can also run you down.
I, however, believe (and live most of the time) in inner peace, in contentment as I work hard against complacency. I use balance and harmony to live vitally.
So why not interweave, intertwine your health, your wealth, your friends, your fitness in ways that keeps you in balance, in peak states of being and consciousness and you will achieve more, you will live the desired bliss and outcome – all at the same time.
But as contrary thoughts go, be ever so careful of this one: Concentrate on everything, achieve nothing. Emphasize everything, emphasize nothing.
I am saying focus is absolutely vital, but bring in those elements that heighten focus, like sleep, and health, and cash in the bank, that make your focus more honed, acute, and powerful.
Plus, when you hear of a new system of how to live, a new way of doing a thing, an overlay over reality, beware; for there are no overlays for reality, there is only reality. And reality is malleable and negotiable and all determined by the level of consciousness you bring to so-called reality as you see it.
The world is filled with examples of balance and imbalance, or equilibrium and in equilibrium, of blue skies and storms coming through, and more blue skies. Find a way to believe and concentrate on all these vital things in your life, and you will discover the right pathways to living the high life, to achieving your own brand of greatness, of designing your own destiny, by you, written by you, but more than all of that lived in harmony and bliss and ecstasy with a twist of enchantment and magic, all by you.
For without out a little magic, what do we have here anyway?