What is it that inspires this very day? Is it your realization that life is an experience, and that each moment offer a chance to explore your capacity to enjoy, to gather in what is always surrounding you: Beauty, poetic moments, and the pure delight of noticing?
Notice the birds, the new spring spreading so much green around, the puffy clouds, the ocean of experiences that come in and out of your life, wave after wave. Should it not be your highest pursuit to steep in the magic, to enjoy with open hearts, to shake off the shackles of consternation, of cantankerous chains, languid misappropriations, and the built-in cynicism, that can (but does not have to) follow you in age?
So instead, embrace higher pursuits, long dreams with giant payoffs. Revel in the beauty, truth, wonder, inspiration of living full-bore, with carefree impetuousness, smiling more, throwing more ideas to the wind, wrapped in less caution. Run free through waterfalls along the foothills of tomorrow.
It is time, all day, before you culminate, where all circumstances pause in awe, to enjoy the hell out of this experience called life, your life, the purpose of breathing in and out, the reason for all smooth sailing and strife, shaking hands on a beach house, on the veranda, as vignettes and short stories and glory moments soak into your soil of your soul.
Life is about our decided awareness, our expanded consciousness to pleasure our experience with a sense of “all is well.” All is on the side of good. Everything is perfect and delightful; and it is not out there, is not around the corner, for it is hidden quite intentionally in now, in present moment living, in the accumulation of more wonder, mystical reverberations, and the stepping into something more comfortable like cosmic and infinite reveling.
Expand and believe you can expand your ability, your God-given talent, the gift given every single human being, to enjoy more. Rise above the rabble like a sudden astral projection. Live in the eye of the storm, where calm and calamity become one, where truth and beauty are the twin sisters, where everything you seek is sitting at the table with you and is served up as enjoyment of all things — somewhere between first course and second dessert.
Nothing in this life is more vital, more pressing of your attention than you dancing on the edge of time, you loving every minute of it, you basking in the sun, you elevating your capacity to enjoy the poetry of life: These experiences that hold truth captive, and rising-cream-to-the-top delight hovering over the present moment of pure bliss.
This is the underpinnings of a life lived well, where age is now a nonfactor, and the experience of being who you are, where you are right now, and your capacity (your belief in that capacity) to stay put in this forever ecstasy of living the good — is the complete answer: Wisdom hung out to dry.
“Life is not measured by the number of breaths we take but the moments that take our breath away.” Who said this?