What is it is you that fuels you, your philosophies, your ideas, your worth pursuits, your beliefs, your toolbox of wisdom that gets you through difficulties, manages disappointments, smoothes out the roads up ahead, helps the “happy come first,” helps you enjoy and steep and delve into worlds unexplored and relish the now, the mess, the rest of the story?
This day, can you identify structures in your mind, in your net of extended and limiting beliefs, that serve or limit your exposure to amazing opportunities, that are relegated to the gods, to those who you see on TV, like a man sitting in an outhouse with the door wide open, smiling and joking on his own private island, Mr. Branson.
Why not take out a sheet of paper, and list your fears and doubts that hold you back, list what you value, what are the core values of your life, that steam and strut and gut you through the south seas and the choppy waters, and get you, with pure energy, with the force of focal wisdom, to the results and influences you seek in the real world (real defined loosely here of course), like what you believe in you begin to see, and then it begins to form on the edge of your incredulous imagination that can and will make it all happen.
How about this simply question? What do you want to see happen? What do you want to see happen in your life, your business, your family, your finances, your health, your bliss-kiss experiencing of your daily world?
What do you want to happen? It is a good question, a simple question. And what do you need to make that happen, like more energy, focus, coaching, mentors, stretched belief systems, identifying limits in thought, in goals, in dreams, in what is possible in — your mind first?
What are your daily routines? Do each serve you as well as they could? What are your activities, your passions? What is your driver, driving your work ethic that may or may not include fun and balance? Do you even realize that you may need to be temporarily out of balance to get a huge leap in a certain area?
So come on, write down three to five core values. Look up what values are, as there are tons. Find a single word for a value like inspiration, or find phrases, like “never, never give up.” Then use this new clarity to achieve, inspire and enjoy more of your existence, your happenstance, the serendipity of living an opening and adventurous life.
My values are learning in all its forms, results now, creativity, using imagination to create, never giving up, being inspired most of the time, and the key and linchpin to it all is absolute enjoyment and peace of mind right now. These are things that fuel me, harness the energies of magic and wisdom and truth and beauty to flow in and out of my gathering of legend and lore and activity that becomes not just activity but a manifesting productivity. These values help me create what I want (and want to enjoy) in my life. What are yours?
What are a handful of truths that you live by, that you swear by, the release the endorphins in your game, that exalt all that is worthy and ideal and infinite and good in your heart so as to grow a dream, leave a remarkable wake, that keeps you running fast and focused and crazy through this stage of your life?
Clarity of purpose, of dreams, of ideals, of values, of inner philosophies will get you there, get you here, to where ever you believe is your destiny, as you enjoy it all “dancing circles ‘round the sun.”— Rodney Crowell.