So as you seek and search and claw and scratch, as you decide and wonder and laugh, as you see and realize what is the best way to live, think about chasing your dreams, your bliss, that which feeds your soul, that which lightens your days, and chase a feeling, steep in “what is” to gather “what was” and “what can be” in a fireball of enthusiasm, in a moment of madness and grandeur, where streams and rain and pine trees and wide open skies, and stars reign down from this infinite, universal, inexplicable and hidden secrets of this veritable life.
Feel this day, after many days of living, after all that you have been through, after child birth and more mirth, after holidays and vacations and synergistic wandering, after living with the self and seeing, feel this connection to an entirety, to the wholeness and whole thing and the past and the present and the future as they swerve and zoom and merge into ONE, as you accomplish more, store more nuts, gravitate to higher sources of emotional appeals, isn’t one thing clear? The time has come to celebrate your elation!
Stay in these constants of time and space where truth and beauty and stillness and quietude and a distinct poetic wonder and scintillating emotions, all blend into child’s play.
For isn’t this life, your life, all about being in states of enlightened perfection that shoots out your eyes and fingertips and leave you breathless as you engage your generation and inspire the next ones behind you, to see how things change so incredible fast, and stay the same all at once; and you get to smile and get lost in the wisdom of living, in the bliss of now, in the elation and creation of pure and 100% enjoyment: The endowment of what is, that fills you, as you live for moments, and you live for feelings attuned and you live for smiles and hugs and skipping children and encouragement and uplifting moments strung together like pearls on a necklace of time, that you wear as proof that you have lived, really lived, like an heirloom, a validation, full-bore living, petal to the metal living, drinking and eating and loving it all the while.
Life is more about enjoying every bit of it, more so than accomplishing great things. You are the substance and enchantment and the choice of cutting edge happiness, for the rest is deciding how many angels can fit on the head of pin, or arguing if Pluto is really a planet, or plagiarizing Plato with the bored oracles.
Believe in this bliss that is omnipresent, your bliss; feel it all the time and use that elation to create pathways and milestones to living the perfect life, as it is a choice and it has always and will always be a gift.
“Success is happiness and happiness is success.” There really is little debate here.