To grow beyond, to create and go and experience beyond what you have so far, use thoughts and feelings, positive and uplifting and enlightened ones.
For it is more than skill, technique and strategies. In life, what you want, all of it, is about how you feel. Simple: Feel great life is great. Take those feelings to the bank. Think yourself into wealth. Decide to let it all spin out into the perfection. Let that perfection grace a truth, strum a chord within, plaster a scene in a sky-design where you can grow into a thought, a feeling of how it will be, how it can and should be.
Follow that bliss, that perfect destiny, that designed and prescribed slice of wonder. Push perchance into a physical reality that is walking step by step, paralleling your reality, stalking you and your wishes and your worthy ideals and goals.
First comes thoughts and the emotions to build a dream, to grow toward the light, to invite in a new idea, a notion, a potion that works like a charm in the alarming new day, in and out of pathways, neurotransmitters in the brain, a calling, a beacon (of sorts) to attract that reality you choose, you feel that is just outside of what you have experienced so far.
Let you heart and soul (who you are) stake claim to a future that is wound around the present moment.
Let it grow outwardly beyond what you have done so far, what you have witnessed in your own life.
Tether that destiny, those desires, those reasons for living, the purpose and pride of who you are to a star, to thought and feelings.
Wish and let those wishes come true with belief, with emotions that run through your very being. Be the light, the kite in the sky, the writing on the wall, the calm before the sunrise, so as to realize that everything you want, wants you.
Everything you dream can be painted into the reams of a well-lived life. And you are there, you just need to notify your conscious mind; and clean out your subconscious mind.
Go where no man has gone before. Ok, go at least where you have not gone before, into uncharted waters where all the dragons on yellowed maps were said to live in the 1600’s, where the edge of the earth was flat and all the exploring ships fell off into the myth and abyss—so afraid of uncertainty and the unknown.
Fear is also an emotion that taints the day, that slows you down, that hems in your flight of dreams into the skies of wishes and hopes and superb realities that grow on the edge of a courageous and outrageous audacious mind.
What was General George S. Patton’s favorite word? Audacity!
Get some today and build those castles in the air with vision and undulating and constant action in the direction of your dreams.
Feel it and think it first, then watch it all grow magically into your life’s next adventure.