August 30, 2013Uncategorized Create Beyond To grow beyond, to create and go and experience beyond what you have so far, use thoughts and feelings, positive and uplifting […]
August 21, 2013Uncategorized There Is Nothing To Fear…. What keeps us in the safe harbors, not willing to do more, explore more, invent and create, try and sky-fly more? […]
August 18, 2013Uncategorized Where Are Your Priorities? It is easy to stay in habits of doing and being, by making things a priority that should not be like sports […]
August 17, 2013Uncategorized The Entrepreneurial Leap The Entrepreneurial Leap If you are new to business, or you need to bridge the chasm of the amazing service you have, […]
August 4, 2013Uncategorized A 100% Commitment If you are having a difficult time achieving something, if you are wavering, back and forth, if you know what you think […]
August 3, 2013Uncategorized Doors Opening To get out of a comfort zone, a traditional pattern, automaton areas, limiting places in time, in life, in your own mind, […]
August 1, 2013Uncategorized Focus On What Is Valuable Make a list a what is valuable. Find the people, the activities, the parts of the dream that support this and then […]