Opportunity Time
According to Andrew Carnegie, who proposed this over 100 years ago: “Every human being can divide each day into three parts: 8 hours to sleep, 8 hours to work and 8 hours for free time”…and he also called this “free time” your “opportunity time.”
How you use your 8 hours of free time to build and create and clarify and define and go for your dreams…will determine your level of success and achievement.
If you want to watch a lot of TV, sports, languidly hanging around people who don’t seem excited about a passion or a dream, who are on the edge of broke, who are on the edge of just getting by…guess what you will get? About the same.
So I ask you, me and those who are committed to doing something remarkable right now, this coming year, with the time that is so vital in order to grow, to sprinkle over a dream, to create a destiny, to predict a future…what will you do differently with your opportunity time?
What and when will you see the effects of your concerted efforts toward an ideal, a worthy cause, a primary aim that is so exciting it spills over into your 8 hours of sleep…and it takes you from…“a wandering generality into a meaningful specific?”
Now the guy who said that, also said, “Don’t call it an alarm clock; call it an opportunity clock.”—Zig Ziglar
I say that you may actually have 16 hours or more, depending on how much you need to sleep, to work on your life, your business, your dreams that do need attention to grow…water on thirsty plants…sunlight on a field of exploding of wild flowers.
How much time and effort, how much resolve do you have, what inner commitment have you made, what decisions to be massively successful have been made in your head to grow a dream, to elevate yourself, to run the gamut, to become what you absolutely know you can be, do and have?
There is opportunity everywhere, sewn within each moment, all you need to do is go for it, create it, see it even before it becomes real in the material world.
Do this and you will have taken the first and best step toward becoming more than you were a year ago, five years ago, more than you believed possible even yesterday.
Read the wisdom of the ancients. Dig deeper into the arch of superior knowledge left behind by those who were paramount in the growing of humanity….changing evolution.
Be dedicated to learning more. Question what you think or believe is true. Don’t convince yourself by repeating: “That is just the way it is.” Is it?
For it is through striving to know what you do not know, it is by opening the mind so wide it embraces infinity, God-consciousness, so as to let in the light that can grow an ideal…a passion that will change your yearly goals, your reality, your complete scintillating moments that can be strung together.
Create castles in the air, a room full of opportunity clocks ringing in the New Year, the new possibilities that thrive in your mind’s eye that is willing to do and see and be more.
Embrace your destiny and it will come up to meet you like a loyal hound on the back roads of undulating success.