Get Clear. Focus. Get an Obsessive Passion. “Sure, I have heard this before…but….”
When you know what you want, you can get it, see it, taste it, believe it, go after it, exclaim it, create, manifest and grow it like a bean stock out of the snow, a rose in December, an idea whose time has come—a reason for this season.
Too many people have all the answers, say over and over: “I already know that! Yes, that is obvious. Sure I have heard that a million times, don’t need to tell me this again.”
But, and this is a huge butt, a giant butt in the speed bump of your life…but, you may not really digest it, comprehend, realize it, internalize that…if you are super clear, super intense, super committed to a dream…that your dream will dream you…dream you into the main part, the hero who changes the world, changes water into wine as Jesus de la luz lights up the olive trees on the mount, as you become a searing seer who can see all the way to the edges of the horizon up ahead, all the way to the bank laughing like a pack of hyenas….
Get clear, really clear on your major definite purpose says Brian Tracy, your definiteness of purpose said Andrew Carnegie and Napoleon hill, your highest aspiration said James Allen in his book, As a Man Thinketh, your primary or chief aim says Michael Gerber in his landmark book, The E-myth.
Take this one idea, this single preposition, this divine and sacred and perfect truth and internalize it, feel it, really get it into your deepest part, your life’s work, your mission, your purpose, so it oozes out of your pores, so it is expressed by all that you do, so that it consumes you…makes you step in the clear direction of your dreams. Then take time, each day, each week, each month to hone and clarify it even more: Clarify the clarity.
According to a story by Brian Tracy, a traveler in ancient Greece was on his way to Athens and he stopped an old man on the path, a very wise man, turned out to be Socrates, and asked him…how do I get to Athens?
And Socrates replied, “Make sure every step you take is in that direction.”
Is every step, every ounce of dedicated energy, is every hope and dream and every true and clear titillating vision, stepping in the direction of your highest aspiration, your highest calling, your most obsessive passion that can and will create the life you desire?
So get a burning desire that is not just from the head, not just an intellectualism, and realize it, feel it, grasp it…internally.
Emote the emotion and extrude that into an intense-felt clarity and go for it. Become it. Decide on it. Commit to it. Then your world will change like a sunrise over an inclination, like a bursting sunset over the desert of forgotten dreams after a torrent…so the cacti will grow and the world is quenched with a long rain, with the sustenance it needs, you need to do anything, create anything, have anything, become anything you and your heart have aligned together to believe and get excited about and passionate about.
For as Andrew Carnegie said, over 100 years ago, “There are really no lazy men [and women], they just lack a definiteness of purpose.”
Hone, clarify, clean up your vision, scrub clean your dusty and rusted-over dreams, and you will become a legend, a master, living a masterpiece, leaving in your wake “inspiration,” and a “divine truth” that will follow you in and out of time….for centuries to come.
Do this for the next generations to come. Teach this to the future again and again for it is an idea people think they get, but do not until they are zooming toward, living in the actuality of their self-created divine purpose.