What Land Do You Really Want to Live In?
In the land of mediocrity lives many dangerous creatures like the saber-toothed “comfort zone,” lemmings of “complacency,” ill-tempered “ordinary,” the sly “good enough.” You will find that there will then be more lackluster and languid cloudy days. This is where the unread, just enough, the small myopic minds, where fences grow in your head, limits are put in placed securely there somewhere around third grade, and perpetuating myths read scary stories to the supple and influential minds until they close like dark over light, where all the rainbows that have been following you fade away.
In these leave-less neighborhoods, the new elected automatons put up bold stop signs: Do not wish. Do not excel. Do not expect or demand more. Do not pass go. Do not get out of jail. Stay in your JOB… just over broken.
In this land, do not even think about working harder, putting in more effort. Do not go the extra mile.
Simply put—think and be in the lower rung of humanity, where it is safe, you cannot fail, because you have never really succeeded, you have remained on the fringe of your nagging, limitless potential.
In this land and world of mediocrity—you always find a way to get by. In these neighborhoods, you know, somehow, somewhere down deep, this is living incorrectly, without sparked intuition that something is missing. Do you really think that it is a bad economy, we need a new president, and the world just doesn’t have enough time and options for you, the middle class, your class, the children, the blasé, for crying out loud, life is hard, right?
But you are certain you can at least make it through because at the end of day you can, will, and must be rewarded by cable TV, Top Ramen and an ice cold beer or box wine.
Live in these doldrums and outskirts of your own mind, on the fringe of your eluding magical human potential…if you dare.
This is the recipe for discontent, suffering, derailment and self-proclaimed victimization, blaming and another road side distraction that speaks in dull, droll and drones on the boulevard of broken dreams.
Or…which is available to everyone: Simple change the way you consistently believe, think and act…then: “If you have built castles in the air, your work need not be lost; that is where they should be. Now put the foundations under them.”—HDT
Hey, why not? You have always wanted to live in castle right?
There a ton of castles for sale, Mercedes to buy, pre-owned jets to purchase.
What are you really waiting for anyway, Christmas?