Be a Rebel
Where do you lay back, play it safe, shrink in the face of opportunity, or limit your brilliance, or slow down in the race of your life? “Unlimit yourself.”—Jeffrey Gitomer
Be a walking anomaly, a cinch in the deal. Do you really want to be a cloistered manikin in the forgotten closet with zombie eyes wandering around?
Think today, “Where can I shine?” Revolt a little. Take what is and start pulling pork with it. Genuflect in the summer winds. Rehearse a great speech given to the gods. Play alive…with a wink and nod and chagrin grin.
Be crazy, leftover explanations at a sermon you left long ago. Be a radical, a free mason with a black belt and some corn chips. Be the person who speaks up, takes the back roads. Invent a new game to bring to all the grade schools, where the teachers still teach sight reading to a bunch of small whippersnappers.
You are as free as your mind will let you be. You are as masterful as perfect practice. You can see and spur on opportunity as fast as you can believe it so. You can create, innovate, dedicate yourself to a passion, and use that passion to manufacture even outside of China, maybe in Indiana, or grow potatoes on the outer limits of Idaho, and chase the proverbial white elk through the Rocky Mountain forests to that secret glen, the valley of satiated mystery, on the very edge of wilderness areas designated by John Muir.
Who the hell are you to play it safe? Go read Mandela’s, 1991 speech. Who are you to grow moss under your feet, to shy away from your destiny, to intermittently be excited, passionate, full of vim and vitality to change the world, to invent, to inspire, to use art to persuade? “Art is to inspire.”—Bob Dylan.
And are you inspired to be the radical mind, to live on a boat, to eat it on a goat, to write a children’s book entitled Grasshopper Tails, and begin with the very first of its kind: A Grasshopper Funeral.
Who are you to go home the same way every day, or to let your bank accounts warble around just enough, to have your entire existence forgotten a week after you step into the next realm?
Today, be the rebel, the deviant that creates more extreme measures, the radical who left town in his Bentley.
Why not dream again? Why not be the energy source you are and use that human guided missile to shoot for the moon, to solve the left over arguments that Pluto is even a planet, or to decide if the highest mountain is 14 or 15 miles high on Mars.
Who are you to take a break, to engage in insidious mediocrity that hems you in, that lands a 100k job that sucks the life out of you on the surreal sunset days and Friday afternoon clubs where the new waitress has legs longer than an urge, sweeter that sweet potato pie and gives you her wrong phone number.
Do not play it safe. Play it big, huge, with caution thrown to the wind, with a plan, a roadmap, a treasure map and massive action that shreds away doubt, reservation and habits that keep you a slave to an idea, an ideal, a job, a way of life, of that’s just the way it is.
Think, act and believe you can make it so.