All Things Come to Those Who…
What are you waiting for…Christmas? How many contrary platitudes, old saying, clichés, quotations, quips fill your mind with ancient relics of wisdom, that are completely at odds, or say the complete opposite, like do it now, patience is a virtue, or we will cross that bridge when we come to it, or take the bull by the horns?
Who do you believe? What have you accepted as fact? What authorities do you think have got it right, have won you over, have had an impact on your character, your values, your core truths that govern the way you live?
What do you see and believe today that you didn’t even know about yesterday? What truths, semi-truths, long jump ideas, probabilities have you bought into because you picked up a book about quantum mechanics, and now you are like most experts on the subject, don’t know a damn thing…anything at all but probability explanations that fit the moment.
Have you ever asked someone to explain quantum physics to you? In fact, is it quantum physics or mechanics, and what the hell do probabilities have to do with it anyway?
Where are you getting your information, from the bestselling books and TV sitcoms, Face the Nation, your teachers, your parents, peers and seers?
And what are you really doing with that information anyway…living on an accepted idea, a worn out truth, a grandparent story of old glory?
Have you ever thought that innately, you, yes you, have the answers, all the answers you could ever need to life, to live full bore, without stops, without the old English full stops, because you finally might realize that you have the answers within, that you know how to begin, that you can and will create pathways to greatness without all the information, the diatribes and didactic verse and the converse of a sunset on hold?
Be so focused and unique and filled with the holy cow and the holy wow that you change water into wine. There are cattle guards build all over this land, and most of the cows just stand behind them afraid to venture out. How you ever seen a cattle guard, just thin metal strips across a road to keep the live stock in? Have you ever seen the façade, the fake ones, that are merely painted across the paved roads, and do the same illusion…keep them all safely where they are said to stay, suppose to be…behind the fear of something that isn’t even real or there?
Within each human is their humanity, are the instincts to survive and thrive and live way, way above the waterlines, above the contraband and shifting sand. You have ever thing you need right now, in this instant to run the gamut, to win the race, to create the masterpiece of a successful life filled with wonder and mystery and awe and bewilderment that hovers over a certain mind, a personality that has owned its own truth.
Be so much in love with this life, with the perfect people, with the perfect opportunities, with the gentle souls…that you believe in multitudes of platitudes and sages and history lessons, for you live within and without the storylines and storyboards and rules and regulations and laws and discrepancies of thundering truths that break away from the norm, the average, the accepted mediocrity.
Many years ago, when I was in college I had a professor, a variable genius from Korea, Dr. Mo, who taught psychology. And when I would go to class, my mind would be spinning from all the incredible ideas and I would learn about everything…except psychology; and he would say…I do the exact opposite of what most people do. Most people lived in the city; he lived in the high desert.
Do today what most people do not do, will not do, and realize you have everything you need, every ounce of truth, every clear direction, every bit of energy to gather the strength, the inner strength to do something remarkable.
Let no one, including your own untamed mind, the fences in your head, halt you, stall you, or keep you from actualizing a dream, a new road to take, “the road less traveled”…a remarkable life that can be lived from the inside out.
You are spectacular just the way you are right now…use that personal power, the extraordinary you…to create and live a life of high adventure, of intrigue—lived from a knowingness that you can and will be happy, fulfilled and get the remarkable results you desire.
Live to amaze yourself, not to get through…most everyone lives just to get through.
Get amazed today. Get going. Get your inner perfection to form any reality you wish…all else are adages and old cabbages.