You can only go as far as your vision will take you. Perhaps ask: What is it that I want? What is it that I want to do with the rest of my life? What is it that I want to have happen? What is it that I can do and only do? What is it that you can do and only you, but — and here is the kicker — if you don’t do it, it will never get done?
It is this clarity of life, of purpose, of who you are, of what you can and must do, this clarity of why you are here, your mission statement, your life purpose, your life’s sentence (your purpose put into a single sentence — John Maxwell), why you are alive that is and should be (like let’s say “always”) in the forefront of your mind.
What do you want your legacy to be? What impact is it that you want to leave? What is it that you want to accomplish that is you, who you are, why you exist, that is hyper-meaningful to you and only you, that is as clear as a bell, that is YOUR heart’s desire?
What is it that you love to do, that is so fun you would do it all day long for free? What is it that is so important that it can (does and will) change lives, and change the world for the better?
Clarity is the quickest way to success, even more than that; it is your direct access to happiness, your connection to meaning. Think on these things: What is your definite purpose? Your highest aim? Your chief or primary aim? What is truly your burning desire, your highest aspiration?
Now, discover, hone, refine, stretch this vision, for this is where to find your true mission in life.
Believe this is vital to do and believe you can clarify what you want to do with the rest of your life. Believe: “I got this. I can do this. I can clarify what is my most prized ideal, my worthy cause that will fuel my greatness.”
Leave an imprint on your family, your children, on your coworkers, on this very world that needs more people with searing clarity to accomplish the most daring and dynamic and distinctive things.
So, do yourself a favor, do the rest of your life a favor, do the ones in your wake a favor, and clarify, work on it, detail it, see it in your mind’s eye, get in bed with it, find it, hone it (this purpose), and expand your vision, clean up your vision, and craft a future through the expression of everything you do now, in the Now, and you will live the most remarkable life.
“You will become as small as your controlling desire, as great as your dominate aspiration.”— James Allen.