The Land of Peace & Plenty
Is it not enough to simply have peace and plenty, to go throughout the day you’re your mind affixed on peace and no lack, on harmony and prosperity, and not deficiency, not discord? For with that, and only that, what else does a satiated mind need in the land of milk and honey, a mind frolicking in the land of peace and plenty?
One of the most logical and detailed and organized minds of all of humanity, who created phylum and categories, whose classification was regarded as the standard system for hundreds of years, was Aristotle, who said: “Life is about being happy.” So from the mind of genius, of science, of philosophy, from a person who tutored Alexander the Great, who lived in steeped wealth, who was a thought leader of the known world at that time, who subdivided the world into class and category, he made this journey as simple as it really is: Just be happy. Tune in, become, find, accept and receive all the happiness that abounds, everywhere and every-when.
And as you express and experience peace and a spirit of plenty, will you not then be happy? Isn’t happiness a state of well being, a state of “perfection in being,” of seeing, of having it all and lightly walking through life with smiles and honor and wonder and love and gratitude? Isn’t it about appreciating all the beauty that arises from every nook and cranny, from Rio to Reno, from the heartlands of America to Water Island in the Caribbean?
How to live the well lived life is way too much: Live the well lived day, even more perfect, live the well lived moment, and all the plenty and peace and prosperity and profundities will be yours.
You are happiness. You are what you desire. You are the experiences of a lifetime, the soft breeze in the wind, the chatting of squirrels on the fence, the geese honking as they fly over in V formation. You are the desires you wish for; and as those two merge, become the idea and the reality simultaneously, the appearance of what you desire is guaranteed.
Become plenty of peace, and peace will be plenty. Walk in this spirit, this truth, this shining down of the light and it will become who you are, it will be what you attract, and what is as real as a shy purple flower showing up near the drainpipe in the spring, the clouds above, the morning sun.
Believe you are what you want and that want is fulfilled by the divine omnipotence, by infinite clarity, by and cosmic intelligence that is who you really are anyway, the stuff you are made of, then you become the dreams showing up at our doorsteps.
Is it time to have more courses, at least a talk or two, on this stuff, to get the children and teens and young adults into these mental patterns if they are losing their way? Or perhaps have the children show their parents the way by example of fun, those amazing impetuous youths, as these children naturally steep in the energy of wonder and play and plenty.
Back to plenty: Is there a lot of money and wealth in this world? Someone once told me all the money in the world is in a jet stream above us, rushing overhead in the air, in the ether, above your very head; and all you need to do is reach up and pull it down. Pull down more, plenty more, just don’t be too meager in your requests.
Peace is a state of mind. Plenty is a state of mind. Everything we experience is a state of mind. So elevate your state. Raise the state you wish to experience and it is so. Stay close to and tune into and become peace, the real peace that reverberates through you.
Peace and plenty are two sides of the same coin, the wealth that is you, that is your very essence, and it is the nature of the world.
Prosperity is the natural state of the entire universe. Abundance, plenty, opulence, wealth, all of it is the natural state of this universal truth. And all we need to do is tune into the true nature of the world, how it is; and it is in us, in our DNA, the very roots of all living things, especially humanity.
Do not become, do not achieve, do not seek it out, believe you are what you desire right now, that you have it, you are it, you are the embodiment of what you want and it instantly shows up in all peace and plenty you desire. This state of mind is you. You become peace. You become plenty, and the divine time makes it so; it arrives in bucket loads that parallel your level of belief, more so, your level of believing how much you can receive.
For receiving is believing. Believe you can receive more and you will. Believe you are worthy of a greater abundance and it is on its way, showing up in the very growth place of it all — your mind — which is the fertile ground where you grow every dream.
To receive more become what you desire and all dreams happen. The peace is you. The plenty is an extension of your plentiful and plethora state of mind, the experience of a mind that is now open to becoming the worthy passions and desires and dreams that are cuddled and held fast in vision, in that single-mindedness of accepting it all from the inside out.
Become your dreams that are dancing in your head: Hold them there in the sacred sanctity and clarity of a focused mind, and it is so; it is absolutely guaranteed by divine law.
You become what you think about. You become what you believe in your very essence. Believe that you are worthy, and have the right to plenty and peace; the rest is slicing up the pie in way to many peaces.