The Power of Inspiration

The Power of Inspiration #5018

To live along the pathways to greatness, to see the undulating joy, to wonder and wander and gather and go and grow and forgive and be filled with gratitude, appreciation, to value what is valuable, then to share it all through smiling eyes, humor, through song, fun, and to paint the vision of what is to be, and to see if you can get other minds to catch that dream, to see all the way to the end in mind, is where you can find your inspiration.

To be truly alive, awake, evolved and involved, with resolve and purpose, to throw out a net to fish for schools, creatures unknown from the deepest seas, lost treasure chests, rather than always to only try to hook one on line; to realize everything is wonderful, spectacular, quietly profound, of substance, and that your mindset, your superior attitude and alignment with what is, with the proverb energies, isn’t this where you get the juice, to explore and discover the meaning of life?

And isn’t that what we all seek, the meaning of life? And isn’t the living it, creating it, actually not seeking it, but being it — the clue?  So that it comes up to meet you, like a lost horse to your carrot, a new sunrise to your awakened beginner eyes?

This day inspire yourself.  See if you can dance and play and love and guffaw and traverse the trials and lessons.  Take the profound gifts of muses and poets and inspiration, of charisma, of who you are piqued and focused on an outcome, then have that outcome be more of the experience of now, bliss, the truth of now.

Find the relationship you can couple others with: “Now-extended,” and you will be on the pathways of sages, the truth of living in wisdom, enjoying: Make the most of your gifts, this perfection of a day.

Find within yourself that desire to influence, have an impact, give back, be it a smile, encouragement, contact-high energy, and leave an imprint.

For when you influence others along their journey through, exploding colors, the very essence and awe of being exactly who you are, then this day, this moment, this pure and arising,  this captivating experience is the ripple effect, the butterfly effect, the forever effect of realizing you are inspired and touching others with this igniting Elmo’s-like Fire.