It is our highest resolve, our most cherished notions to let fly our souls, to “throw caution to the wind,” to chastise nothing, to expand everything, judge not, “throw no rocks in glass houses.”
For the sheer will to control, regulate, stop those from taking too much, point the finger at those who are in capture mode, the act of even worrying that someone cut in line, took an unfair advantage—is what will restrict you.
“All in good time,” with a loving and expanded heart and mind is what draws miracles to you, draws circles around competition and releases “wisdom spun too tight.”
Expand, exonerate then exile all restrictions from your person, from stepping into abundance, the glory, the perfection and truth that comes racing your way if you will but let go of your righteous prejudices and certain judgments.
All that is good and perfect and wondrous is but cloud shadows inching across the landscape of time, “Time” with a capital “T”. Time is the most prized illusion that you, we, the astrophysicists believe they understand.
Today, let all that is possible “run up to meet you.” Let the right people, the divine and magical and mystical tailored experiences “fit you like a glove,” so you can Déjà Vu yourself through all of reality.
“You attract to yourself who you are willing to let yourself expand into.”
Circumstance and happenstance, synchronicity and miracles all play together in a higher awareness mind.
Go out and play and all the right players will show up so you will win the game because you have granted and given yourself permission to enter into prosperity and truth and the beauty of living a divine and delightful life.