It is high time, low tide, right now, no better time than now to get on the rails of your prescribed destiny, the way life is supposed to be: High gear; pedal to the metal; take a bigger chance; see a faster result; watch the universal appeal do in weeks the ideals you thought would take years; watch the impossible grow out of a bean stock; watch things create so fast is scares your previous belief levels.
You can do it all, you just need to get the emotions on the right track. You need to get your “belief level” to exceed your “do level” and watch both create a machination, a dedication, a road less traveled where all the magical creatures live, the fairies in the trees, the hummingbirds with delight, the truth serum being given, the bridges being built, the castles in the air, the discussions with the gods as you proceed, exceed, leap and vault over obstacles, bring together the unison, the masses, the secret partnerships, the lost scrolls of mystical thoughts that finally allow you, invite you, entice you to not just live another day, or get through the quick sunrise and the hourglass, but to watch things happen all around you that were once impossible in your head, but are now legendary, where the armies, and alignments you finally accept and believe as these are the warriors at your back, the arrows in your quiver, the ideas, ideals, the dreams, the projections that are now creating reality as fast as you can perceive and believe it.
Do this and you will accelerate your destiny that has always stood by you and is now an ally and can and will propel you to greatness, to greater heights, to scintillating adventures that have been in your back pocket way to long.
You are this dream dreaming. Dream it into existence. Dream your destiny to accelerate—like a Tesla let loose on the open roads of straight away freedom.