The Mystery
Look around, what do you see? Do you see the same tree, the ordinary? Or can you reach out, way out, past your normal day, past the expected, out there into the magic and awe of a new day, a cosmic drift, an artwork of majestic proportions?
This very incredible day, be awake, alive, out of hive and delve into, steep into the mystery that abounds.
Can you realize the deeper eyes of those who have gathered up more spiritual energies, the truths that have gotten them part way, to the riveted parts, to the cartwheels and Ferris wheels and the high wire acts and the ensuing adventures of a labyrinth and whale-of-a-day that is shooting light from a spout?
Take a moment to dance, to romance, to enhance the slight deviation from the routines that are securely bound in your head, in rote, in the habits you hold so dear.
Take notice of a higher source, a tapestry, a masterpiece, art in the park, sunlight on the mountaintops, deer in the headlights of startling perceptions that exceeds and supersedes your obvious awareness that you use, over and over, to open cans of tuna, cook an egg and elongate an hour to save water in the shower.
What? See it. Be it. Believe it. And watch the spectacular, the spiritual derivatives, the consult of 100 judges in garb and gala inventing rules and handing down judgments that have lost their impact on normal society.
Today is your day to witness more, to observe the observer…if that can be done. Take a long view of a shortsighted vision that was around at the turn of the century. Believe in better, faster, deeper realities that explode into sunsets and moon rises at the same exact time, setting and rising over an ocean of unfathomable proportions.
You can see the mystery or be the mystery or steep in the mystery…for it is within this convoluted clarity, the bottomless truths, the edge of a dream, the placid seas just outside the Mariana trench, the mountains on Mars five times higher than Mount Everest, the nitrogen volcanoes that shoot a mile high on Neptune where you will find this ice ball of mystery unfolding.
Where have you gotten lost in the ordinary perceptions, the day-to-day meanderings that leave you reading the newspapers online and talking about sports, or balancing a check book?
Decide to see it, the cosmos and ethos and pathos and perplexities and complexities that form the ONE. Do this and you will have a magical day, a new way, a heightened titillation on the elation of NOW.