Scintillating States of Mind What can you do this very morning, at the excited beginning of the day to blow away your own mind, to be so engaged in your life, that you appear to be a saint in jeans, a sage on patrol, a mannequin in a clothes factory? Get a vision, and stick to that vision long enough to have it grow, gain ground, produce results. Find out what makes you tick, where your talents lie and explore and export those talents to a world waiting. Get on a roll, find momentum, and watch how rolling a tiny snow ball down hill will become an avalanche and how you too can produce more with right attitude and right vision than the 10,000 geniuses who read books on quantum physics. Do today what you have put off for too long. Get busy on breathing life into your destiny. Do it now, make it happen now, know what your bliss is. Find a passion that is lurking in the back of your mind and jump start it. Put so much energy and determination and applied knowledge and inspired action into your vision that nothing can stop you but tornados, earthquakes and a Bronco’s football game on Sunday. Use humor and lightness of being to flit around like a 6 year old, skinny as a rail, flying over life as if gravity has no effect. Be that feather in the summer breeze. Become more than hum drum and mediocre and average and ordinary in everything you do, in all you attempt, in your thoughts, in your vision of the world, your world, how it can be, in your life, in your ways of showing up with pickax and shovel and the work ethic of cotton pickers, and the excitement of Einstein or Buckminster Fuller or Madame Curie, who usually forgot to eat for days. Forgot to be discouraged, to doubt, to add disbelief to a dream that is bigger than your own mind. Be so formidable in your approach, in systematically destroying self doubt and lack that you storm by the people standing on the street corners waiting for a change, a chance, a new romance. Get your mind in peak states of scintillation, elation, creation, and make your world a parable, a force to be reckoned with, a dance in the rain, a jet airplane of the tarmac of tomorrow. Wake up, tomorrow is here.