A Tribute to Andrew Carnegie
“The Philosophy of American Achievement”
Let’s go back, way back, to the turn of the 20th century: Fights were for light, electricity that is, and the power plant to light the NE United States was the fight over the Niagara contract.
Edison was certain of DC and Tesla had all the patents for AC. JP Morgan had all the money, yet Carnegie became the richest man on earth.
It was a fight for the future direction of the USA, at the time in the late 1890’s, the most advanced technological country in the world.
But Andrew Carnegie did not only leave foundations and wealth, but he left things much more important…clues to success, footprints in the sands of time to follow for all future generations who would listen.
Over 100 years later, there are many books by Napoleon Hill, interviews with Andrew Carnegie that exact his philosophies to wealth, health and massive success.
To me this is the incredible legacy that Carnegie left behind: His ideas that spurred on people like Rockefeller, and Morgan, and Gates and Jobs…all the great entrepreneurs of America and the world.
His influence of people, his belief in the American system of government and country, his blueprint for human success, peace and happiness that rise above the rabble, the small minds groveling…and yet gives back to each person with the will to learn, to read, to discover, to digest and comprehend these lessons of personal power that can be used to rise above all circumstances and create a better world.
Today in the United States, in the world, there have been huge changes for good: Instead of living in shacks, working long hours in poor conditions and barely getting by…most people can live in their impressive homes, eat exceptional foods, drive fine automobiles and, yet, still just seem to be just barely getting by—but changes in lifestyles have and are continually being upgraded.
Today, why not you make an internal commitment to thrive, to create massive success, to leave your own legacy, to add what is good to this country, to your own country, and fight against what is surely enabling mentalities that create but slavery on a different level.
You be and become a force to create, to master, to give back, to light the future as did Edison and Tesla and JP Morgan and Westinghouse and Rockefeller and Carnegie—for we are all descendents of greatness. And our children and their children’s children are in much need of these blueprints, guideposts and clues to success as much as any generation that has come before them.
Be the absolute force for change, for good, for a deeper wisdom, for creating a better world, by first mastering the self and learning these success principles that were all set forth by the paramount success of Andrew Carnegie—a forefather of this great nation, an influence of freedom for all peoples.
These success principles never go out of date, apply to all races, all countries—they need to be adopted by the masses, at least by you and me.
Go study a book like, Think Your Way to Wealth, by Napoleon Hill, that are interviews with Carnegie. Learn what he knew.
Read, succeed, secede from the ordinary of just getting by. Step into your own personal power….