The Power of Your Goals #5004

Why set goals now? How can you get what you want if you don’t write it down? How can you get to a destination that you haven’t set? How can you achieve what you have not yet conceived?

Set a goal, in fact set 10 goals that you want to achieve this month, and set 10 things that you will do today to take steps toward those. Easy, 10 by 10, and do this 10 by 10 everyday.

Prerequisite in setting goals:

Write them down clearly, in the positive and present tense. Add an affirmation behind it.

Believe you can. Any contrary thoughts must be not thought.

Make sure they are goals that you want, and that scare you, that are not too easily reached. Stretch.

Do it now: Write them out every day. Begin today.


  1. Read them out loud. Record them. Listen to them 10 times or more a day.
  2. Make sure you put at least one action step daily under each goal you write down.
  3. Put a plan together under each goal, and work the plan, until it begins to happen in the real physical world.
  4. Be determined, but also be willing to do new things, try new methods and experiment on better ways to achieve more.
  5. Enjoy this as a process. Remember: “The journey is the reward.”
  6. Be clear. “Clarity is success.” And “Success is Goals, all else is commentary.”— Brian Tracy. Continually clarify what you want, and how you will get it. Pay any price, you will succeed.Goals are dreams with deadlines.
  • Goals are worthy causes you know you are destined to accomplish. Goals create a burning desire inside you.


  • Goals give your life meaning, purpose, significance and the byproduct is elation.

  • Goals give you direction and will give you control over your time.


  • Goals cure the addiction to your distractions


  • Goals are fun, exciting and fill you will enthusiasm.
  • “Happiness (or success) is the progressive realization of a worthy cause or ideal.” —  Earl Nightingale.
  • Set goals now. Work on them every day. Watch the most magical things happen in your life.
  • So the bottom line, the top line, the moral to the story, the insight to get now, the way to pure and never-ending happiness is to work or on your goals right now and never give up until you achieve them.