…And Warren Buffet said that. It is not time to extend a dream, to stretch a vision, to clarify a purpose, to run circles around those poor and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat? (1) Why? Because many have stopped too early, gave up too easily, with minds seeking security rather than expression or high adventure on these seas of pure and unbelievable possibilities — found everywhere.
Our job (or rather) our burning desire (2), our highest calling is to do something remarkable, now and then, (3) today and the next day, to break through difficulty and get into the limelight, to have an impact on people, our people, those too who have a dream, have an aspiration to touch more souls, to heighten the game, to play with those who are not willing to settle, not willing to play it small, or retire before they go gentle into that good night (4).
Your life, as you should and could see it, as it is today, has a 99% chance to become more magnificent, is pregnant with opportunity ready to give birth to the enlightened mind, an inspired idea: For nothing is more powerful than an idea whose time has come. (5). The only thing in our way is a mind afraid, a mind in doubt, a mind that turns on its very self, when it needs to reverse course, paddle its own boat (6), become as powerful as the Sun, as paramount as the cosmic energy of 100 billion galaxies, all along the watchtower (7).
Rev up your dreams, the vision of what can be, as you not only get excited about the next chapter of your life, not only see clearly where the open roads can take you, but realize this very fact: You create what you anticipate. (8) And with this resolve to manufacture a better dream, to din out a better plan, to execute all the things that will elevate your world, in the life you want to live (now and then), in this remarkable state of becoming; then yes: It is a piece of cake, a walk in the park, a Sunday drive.
Do not settle for too little. Do not settle for enough, or arriving to think: Here it is; this is all that will ever be. Instead, expand each day, no matter where you are on this spectrum of time (in human years), and express a larger ideal of what is possible no matter if you are 20 or 80; you owe it to this expression of a progression realization (9) of your life, so keep at it.
Go for more. (10) Rise up and let the sun and the wind and the waves hit you in the face, spray more life into what is still possible within your unfettered mind, what you can and will and shall do, while you let others ( who surely will) catch your dream. (11)
And by doing this, believing in this, anticipating this, the most incredible, remarkable, noteworthy, expressive and amazing things will happen: This will start incredulous things in motion: Keep on and keep keeping on toward progress and success. For you can leave a legacy of wonder and magic, that of mystical proportions, in the wake of your every days because you have a commitment to live the remarkable life.
Let us, (yes, you and me: Not just you, not just me) do something remarkable… together. (12)
(1) From the Poem by Teddy Roosevelt: The Man in the Arena
(2) From Think and Grow Rich by Napoleon Hill
(3) From 1BC Stretch: A Monthly Goal and Achievement Event
(4) From the poem by Dylan Thomas
(5) Quote by Victor Hugo
(6) An American Proverb
(7) Song by Bob Dylan
(8) CEO of US Bank: Richard K. Davis, circa 2006
(9) Earle Nightingale: “Success is the progressive realization of a worth ideal or goal.”
(10) Affirmation from Marshall Sylver
(11) From the Movie Tucker
(12) Quote from Jim Rohn