In this life, there are questions that are paramount to ask: Why am I here? What is my individual purpose? Who or what is God? What is it that I am destined to do? Is there even such a thing as destiny anyway? Can I have an impact on others, on this world?
But before all of these questions can be answered, before a path is laid out, there is one thing each person on every continent, in every place must discover and realize first, before they can elevate themselves, become a superior person, a unified and meaningful adult.
And it isn’t merely Maslow’s hierarchy of needs, though all people seek a level of security too, so as to be able to give more, achieve things that will go beyond the basics of living, where a person at least has a roof, food, a way to sustain the basic needs of living without worry, strife or agitation.
And yet the mission of all humanity that would end all wars, would solve most of humanities nagging issues like crime, addictions, misery and disease, and would finally give Mankind a spiritual platform to create from, to raise personal, social and universal consciousness, and that is simple for each human to realize, to understand, to be taught this one goal from childhood by enlightened parents, this truth and perfection to live the perfect life….
“Find your peace.” Find your true contentment within. Become peaceful not with the world, not with all the circumstances that throw you around, that strain the fine art of living, but really and absolutely become peaceful with you and who you are.
Before you say, “I know this. Hey man, I am peaceful with me. I like myself; isn’t this all a bit obvious.” Then I would ask, go read one or more of these books: The Peace Pilgrim; Siddhartha, by Herman Hesse, or my book, Fairies in the Trees: Back roads to personal awakening. I bet you might get a deeper meaning of what peace within really is.
For discovering this “within,” the entire world “without” clears up, comes into focus, aligns itself into the eternal perfection that really is.
“Then you can continually live in the eye of the storm,” where circumstances cannot throw you off the horse, where you can be at peace forever and ever with what is, who you are, and all the questions and issues and problems and paradoxes and conundrums of living disappear.
“Peace within creates peace without.” This simple, but often eluding focus, to find your own sustained contentment—solves all your problems. And if this becomes the early focus for all children, it will surely solve most of humanity’s generational, new and recurring difficulties.
Peace within is humankind’s solution to peace everywhere on this magical planet.
And every single human has within its person, its scope, to realize this. Do not make light of its importance.
When peace is with you, is shines through you like a lighthouse guiding all. You can do no harm when you act and think from this place of peace. Then the perfection and beauty of living is a complete reality that gives you all that you need.
If people would give up their ideologies, their need to be right, their thirst for power, rank, position and title, and instead value what is valuable, all would instantly see this earth as a place of harmony, awe, wonder, discover and exploration, but most importantly, a place of sacred beauty and never ending peace.