Think upon these things: You are a belief away from a legacy. What is the reach of your ring of vision? How long are you willing to dream? How far are you willing to cast that dream, circles of vision that expand who you are, stretching what you believe you can do?
Your life, what is in it, the moving parts: The money, the experiences, the exotic trail—all of it is but a realization that what you envision you can have and experience.
Happiness is but the extension of growing into that dream, pushing and craving and deciding to step away from the pack, to obliterate conformity, and to expand your piqued experiences of life to the extent you wish them so, believe them into the realm of possibility.
Life is but rings of vision, forever pushing out into your physical reality from this timelessness, from the eternal moment (The Now) reaching into your heart and letting out what you really want, then melding that desire into who you are, who you will finally let yourself believe you are, can be, shall be.
Throw stones into this bliss and the elation of foreverness and watch countless miracles take hold and appear—like rings on a pond.
Stand on the shoulders of who and what has gone before you, so you can see farther, see over the mountaintops, and witness the sacred beauty, the truth, and watch the impossible being shattered and gathered back up into a mosaic, a vision—dreams coming true.
Your destiny is written in your heart and let out by a mind willing to expand upon and beyond itself.
Lasso the moon. Throw rings around who you are, in your mind’s eye that can truly see… and throw stones into eternity.