To achieve more, to have more, to create, manifest and see it all show up in your physical world, it is very simple: Believe more!
Expanding the parameters of what you believe is possible—this is in direct proportion to what you 100% (absolutely without doubt) completely believe in.
Life is not about what is going on outside, the weather, the government, the state of the union, the economy, it is 100% about what is going on inside of you.
Change the chatter, the limitations, the strife within and watch the outer world align itself to the shifts in your perceptions, acceptance, in the belief levels and expanded thoughts you will allow and give yourself permission to embrace believe and see.
A mind expanded to a larger view cannot retract back to its limited view, to its former belief limits that it accepted before.
So to have more peace, love, money, happiness, success, satisfaction, purpose, direction, clarity, begin expanding your mind’s ability to believe it is possible for you.
Create larger rings around Saturn, around your chosen dream. See the improbably and expand it into the impossible and watch that dream (sometimes instantly) appear in your newly accepted belief of reality.
Believe you will make 100,000 dollars in a year, and you will not make more.
Believe you can expand a business globally, then watch the magic begin.
Expand what you will let the mind believe, accept and then perceive, think and achieve, by affirmations, clarity of goals, by finding and fueling a burning desire, by accepting that there is a cosmic force, an infinite intelligence, according to Andrew Carnegie, a force that will aid any brave and courageous mind willing to believe it into existence.
Believe it is so first, then watch it show up at your doorstep, the door of your awakened perceptions.
Conceive it and it can become real if you are willing in all your minds (though really one mind), the conscious, subconscious and super-conscious (or cosmic conscious) mind to believe it, with resolve, purpose and with a dedication to that dream, that wish to appear, as if by magic into the realm of the creative imagination that has it appear now, releases it from thought to appear in your life.
“You can and will create what you anticipate.” For within the word “anticipate” is the activated expectation that whatever the ideal, the dream, the worthy cause, it is on its way, coming to you, toward you and will arrive soon.
Everything you can dream will appear in your physical world just as soon as you expand and give yourself permission to believe it, expand your belief rings.
Resolve, with excitement, enthusiasm and anticipation to create anything you desire. You, me, Warren Buffet, Bill Gates, the guy down the street, we are all exactly where we believe we should be. Believe bigger and grow.
Belief creates and supersedes any and all circumstance. Your beliefs absolutely create what is possible in your world. You are truly a believing and creating magical creature.
All else is mental games played by lesser minds.