Have you ever thought you get to decide your fate, invent the game in the way you want to play it, so watch carefully what the masses do and do the opposite. Find the path less traveled, then travel it as you scream at the sky. Invent a new why, grab hold of something crazy, different and run with it?
Many moons ago, in a faraway past, in the city that seems to be caught in a time warp to this day, the place I was born, Pueblo, Colorado, my sister and I took a class at the local college, and it was psychology 101, taught be a professor from Korea, by the name of—Dr. Mo.
Well, every class was so stimulating, never have I had a professor like him, who had this incredible way of making your mind spin, and wonder and gyrate,. After every the class it was as if our minds had been wound up and we had to go to a restaurant and talk and discuss, and wonder. In fact, we learned everything under the sun, except psychology.
Dr. Mo was an amazing genius, and made us think, more so than learn regurgitated information, and he would say, “I look see what everyone does, and I do exact opposite, like everyone moving to west, I move east to the high plains.”
Look carefully at why you do what you do. Use a fine mind to comb your activities, your presumed personal goals, your reasons for proceeding, and question it all: Is it what you want to do, or are you being drugged by the low drone of artificial intelligence, the automaton authorities who have only learned by rote, memorization and fit-in socialization.
Instead, dissect, decipher, decide differently; tack, and change and become and surmise what is the right direction for you, what are your desires and true, in your gut, your highest aspirations.
Another many-moons-ago story, I was a youth, very frustrated, searching, and living in Iowa City, Iowa, and I was in a late-night bar, and in walked the most amazing person, I probably have ever met, or will ever meet in my entire life.
Everyone was gathering around him, he was like a modern day Jesus, and I saw him remarkably attract most everyone to him, and he had walked everywhere he went, just had walked from Colorado, climbed mountains there, actually lost a friend in a fall: He carried a shillelagh and was from Ireland.
Well, he looked at me and his eyes were as deep as the universe, an infinite mist, so hard to even believe or explain in words, and he simply said to me, as I was a very confused and disturbed time in my life, and he said, “Get yourself free. Do what you want to do. Live your life as you choose. God is real.”
So I quit school in Iowa City, and traveled from my home town to Mexico City and lived with the chickens and people in tiny huts and dirt floors in that massive city.
Sure, my Dad almost killed me, had no idea what I was doing, but it was the adventure I needed to grow, to discover, to become who I have become.
Since then, I have always followed that advice: Do what you want. Get yourself free.
As we realize the adventure, that we really have choice, we can alter the direction of our lives, this life that is a high adventure. Go climb a mountain. Go start a business. Go travel to the far corners of the world.
Then you become free, and usually do the exact opposite of most people, who are, in many ways, afraid to venture out, to stick their necks out, to risk a job, to live outside the norms, to gather up the inner strength to live an enchanted life.
For this is, right now, a life that is just for you to experience, to invent memories, to create a wake of wonder behind your days and hours and moments that take you to the edge of more and more exotic adventures.
Do the exact opposite: Live a charmed life.