Success Principles?
What principles guide your life, give you the direction when the storms are blowing? What ideas, ideals, accepted truths do you agree with, enact, put into action so that you can live an investment in abundance, so that you can create whatever you hold long enough, and with enough intensity in your mind?
Who do you follow? What rules have you accepted as true? What works for you to get you the results, the happiness, the bliss, the urge to move forward?
Have you even thought what core values you adhere to…like integrity, inspired and applied enthusiasm, dedication and self disciple?
Take some time to uncover, to realize, to unearth what makes you move, tick, create, get the results that you desire.
Delve deeper into what holds you back, what keeps in static states of just above mediocrity, where average is the king and the status quo is the name of the game.
There are books and people and places to go to get this profound information. There are people like Andrew Carnegie, who came from rags to riches, and we are talking about a lot of riches, like the wealthiest man on earth at the time, and his 17 principles of success that he left as his most cherished and prized legacy for all who have the ambition to read about this.
Try a little book call Think Your Way to Wealth by Napoleon Hill, interviews with Andrew Carnegie, and discover the philosophy of American Achievement and get your piece of the pie. Get your dreams to come true. Find that burning passion, but not just find that burning passion that is within, hiding, playing it safe in the shadows, but feel that burning passion that will have a ripple effect in all that you do…as you begin living success principles…that, as you grow older, it is your solemn duty to teach, to talk of this applied wisdom with those who will take up the human reigns, as you and I pass the torch to the next generations of creators and dreamers…for it truly is a wonderful and magical life.