Keep the Ball Rolling…
Have you ever created something marvelous, stupendous, where the Red Seas parted, the heavens opened up, all your stars were aligned? Then soon, you felt like a deflated balloon, and things began grinding to a halt, and you were back in below-average states of the status quo and mediocrity?
What happened?
What were the reasons for these great successes, great strides, massive achievements, then the speed bumps, and walls, the lackluster moments…the muted energies took hold and you wondered what happened to Superman?
Believe, but stay believing. Don’t get too satisfied with what appears to be massive success, when your are only scratching the surface of what is infinitely possible in your life. Don’t let or believe the focus you had must be lost in riding too high on your laurels.
Many moons ago someone once told me, “It is better to a has-been than a never was?”
I say, “Be a has-been and a will-be and a right-now success.” Keep massive attention on what you want, on who you can really help by making massive amounts of income, spreading your wings and your wealth and your concentrated efforts to leave traces on this planet that you were alive, that you did make history, that you, and you alone, were in charge of your own destiny, future and magically-created realities.
Believe in consistent focus, in a burn that you will get what you think about. Believe and keep believing that you can and will have an influence, a major influence on the people you meet, on their dreams, on what they want.
Focus each moment on massive success and put in massive energies and put in massive belief and constant anticipation that what you want, wants you, that what you are pursuing is pursuing you, that you will chase your dreams, but they will not run away; they will run toward you if you have the fun and heightened energy of someone with a passion, with a dream, with ideas and ideals and worthy causes and a plan and action-packed days, and huge desires to change water into wine, change what is into what can be.
Nothing can stop a peak-performance mind, except the mind itself.
You do not have control over the economy, or the governments or other people or outside circumstances, but you do have control over your own mind, how much focus you wish to let it perceive, achieve, and run the gamut of truth and beauty and love and God and giving and creating…for these are the tools of the angels, the built-in accessories of humanity.
Use your mind and its supreme power to focus and keep above the waterline, keep it filled with forever inspiring ideals of what is possible.
Sell hope to your own being, to your own mind. Sell what is possible to your mind and the mind’s of others. Remind yourself over and over that you are the master of your own destiny, your own soul, your own abilities to create, to love and to make your world better, different and conjugated in ways that you have yet to imagine.
Inspire yourself so that you can mind-touch others, give them permission to glow and shine and grow and become more than they have yet let their own minds conceive and believe.
Keep the focus, the peak states of being in front of your life, and the world will come up to meet you, to aid you. The universe will be your harbor, your home, your oyster, your guide—and the straightest path to glorious achievement.
You will and can be the master of who you are, and the master of creating, and the master of living a scintillating life.
Do not be too easily satiated and satisfied: Keep not only dreaming, but letting those dreams get bigger and bigger as there are no limits except the ones accepted, the ones that many do not even know are there.
Take a deep breath, a short vacation, time to reflect and retrospect, then let massive wonder and massive action and what can still be possible thrive in your mind.
The rest is history. The rest is your own mind playing tricks on your destiny. You create your reality. The rest is but mind games loathing in states of static mediocrity.
Get out of there and keep the ball rolling.