Contact High?
Stanislav Grof, together with his wife Christina, experienced a contact high assisting a person under LSD therapy described in his book When the Impossible Happens: Adventures in Non-Ordinary Reality (2006)
What if today you were so inspired, so on fire, so determined to create what you want, that you actually began to create a wake behind you, a contact high of your inspired sobriety, a way to touch those you meet, and instigate change, a new idea, a notion, a way to set in motion someone else’s dream?
Be today the person who smiles and tells it like it could be, sews a dream to an idea, paints a picture of a dreadlock holiday, a ranch in Leadville, Colorado near a Doc. Holiday saloon, a seminar never done before, a book marked, a trade between you and a billionaire.
Who are you to slow down, to creep in the shadows, to play it safe, to recoil your brilliance, to listen to the drone, the off-in-the-distance drone of the status quo, mediocrity eating up the scenery, the average Joe in a coffee shop on a nondescript Tuesday gulping black coffee as the languid waitress reads Yahoo headlines on a laptop?
They say contact high is the myth of the 1970’s when you could become sky high by being in contact, next to, in the proximity of someone on drugs; but, shouldn’t it, couldn’t be about catching someone’s dream, riding upon their inspiration and elation, their joy and bliss into your own prescribed dream, where the sun sets blue, and the days are filled with warm winds at your back…where the truth of living gets into your bones so you are in a candy store—the universe becomes your oyster. You skip and sing and whistle even when the myopic teachers in first grade want to put you in a box; they so much want you to be a little automaton playing it safe in a room filled with small minds in a small room getting a contact high from Alice as she eats a little off the pill that gets her so very small.
Do not play it small today. Spread your wings and fly. Soar with the eagle eyes. Chase the wolves through the scintillating forests. Howl at the moon and run the gamut…but never, ever be ordinary. Never let the tiny people keep you in a corner. Never let the authorities (many who are dream stealers)…plebiscites in the rabble… drag you down.
Embrace your brilliance and become a bird that flies to close to the sun, a whale of a day off the coast of Monterey, an extraordinary manifestation of whatever you can dream up in your contact-high dream that dreams exactly what you wish or believe.
You brilliance is but a constant, contact-high belief away. Keep believing.