The Execution of Fear….
What Might’ve been the Sermon on the Mount
Today is the day, to watch your ever single thought, to not future think about what you don’t want, but to stay fast with the thoughts of what you do want.
Think about the beauty and the glorious parts of life happening right now—even better.
For all thoughts of what you do not want to happen, are but fears, tiny fears, seemingly insignificant fears that drag down your dreams, and begin creating what you do not want. This is a universal law.
Be ever so careful when alone, when in your own head, to control your thinking…and light upon that which is of faith and hope and wonder and inspiration…for this leads to happiness.
Beware of the small, seemingly muted and nagging thoughts…that many times, without your knowing, creep into a sacred mind, your sacred mind, where all the magic will begin if you let it.
Do not let your own mind undermine what you are willing consciously or unconsciously to think.
Stand fear up in the corner, put a cigarette in its mouth, read it some scriptures, then shoot it, shoot it down, so that it cannot create fear in you again, cannot creep into your head, cannot become a part of you that isn’t you, that is detailing failure instead of celebrating now and then and soon and when, and all that is wonderful in your life, that is here now (and coming soon) for you to create, to believe in, and to see forming on the edge of your constant and consistent imagination of what is perfect and phenomenal.
Execute this fear. Leave fear in the dust. Create a plan that is reverberating, that is scintillating in your soul, for this is to live a fantastic and amazing life.
Be so intentional that all your fear fades away, so that all the blue skies are real, so that the money pours in, so that your dreams climb out of the closet and start dancing around in your head, in the living room (out of the dead room) so you begin to break ice, break bread, break out and get to the other side.
The only advantage of living or experiencing or letting fear into your life, is to illuminate what you do not want so that you can focus, and I really mean 100% focus, daily, momentarily, right now, without distraction, with undying effort, with a passionate obsession on what you do want.
Learn this material. Realize the life you wish. “You are the leader of your own reality.” “Do not live on the Eeyore side of the Pooh scale.”
Become the dreams, and execute, with a firing squad, every single fear, any fearful thought of what you do not want to happen. Worry is reverse goal setting, negative dream building. “Worry is a treadmill.”
Do this simple daily exercise, this moment-to-moment exercise, do this as a ritual of living, do this as a sacrament to your own soul, do this as if it is the absolute and most natural way to live a highlife: Then everything will rush into you and your life in bunches, in plenty; the floodgates will part, and prosperity consciousness will flow into every part of who you are, and you will—as a perfect afterthought—enjoy every minute of it.