A Leap of Faith
Have you ever taken a leap of faith, a jump and wondered, “Whoa! Can I really do this? Can this really happen?” And then you just close your eyes, scream on the way down and moments later…bam…you hit the water?
So this came from the amusement park in Atlantis at Nassau, a body waterslide, straight down, maybe hundreds of feet.
You climb to the top of this very high slide and staircase, and think, “Can I really do this?” At the top of the slide you can see nothing, not knowing how steep this really is.
And when it is your turn, you lay down on the narrow slide, cross your legs, cross your arms on your chest, knowing the thrill is coming and you scream like a teenager girl at a boy concert.
Whoosh! Scream! Yahoo!
What leap of faith will you take today? I heard someone say something very profound yesterday. “What got you here, won’t get you there.”
What leaps are you willing and wanting to take? What will you do differently to create differently, more powerful, more profound, more impactful results in your life…the quality of living, the truth in being, the perfection in seeing, the awareness of perceiving, until you raise up, lift up, gather up the inner confidence to take that leap of faith and scare the hell out of yourself, as you laugh and scream and yell and titillate all your senses? Wow!
“If yer not a little scared, yer on the wrong rollycoaster.”—Joe Peanuts, Dang Near Cowboy Poet.
“Risk is jumping off a cliff and building your wings on the way down.”—Ray Bradbury.
“Leap and the net will appear.”—Les Brown.
“Life is an adventure; dare it.”—Mother Teresa.
Take a chance on life, on your life, on living the spectacular life you have always imagined. “Expand your comfort zones.”—Bob Berg
Create a magical life by doing magical things, by thinking magical thoughts.
Put in perfect intensions to create the perfect life that is always there waiting for you anyway to see, realize, perceive and enjoy right now.
Leap. Jump. Have complete faith in what you desire and your dreams will come true.
“When your heart is in your dream, no request is every extreme.”—Jiminy Cricket.