Easier Said Than Done
Most everything is easier said, a plan in the mind that seems clear of roadblocks until you begin…then Murphy comes running up to meet you, then speed bumps appear, then what seemed like a piece of cake becomes…liver cakes.
Light your mind upon that which is good, and wholesome and wonderful and possible, and be ever so careful to let the mind, your morning mind, your untamed mind, roam around your head, roam around all those circumstances you are under, get you under the weather, inside out, and letting in the rain, the storms and all the negativity that can and will occur, if you let it, if you do not get enough sleep, if you stray from the righteous path, if you make a conscious choice to be chained and a victim in a make believe world of prison guards.
Today, let’s all focus continually on what is good, what is possible, no matter what…let’s all realize our mind is a sanctuary and what we let run wild can turn on us like tigers in Las Vegas.
Be vigilant in believing, in seeing, in making a plan that follows the vectors of light, the double rainbows over a glen. “What you think you become.”—Earl Nightingale.
So easy to say…maybe not so easy to do.
Control the mind, control the emotions, control the outcomes, at least control the responses, control the lever that turns on or off the energies to light a world, to enliven a moment, to whitewash the fence with Mark Twain.
Today, watch ever single thought that is crisscrossing the brain. Guide those thoughts to spectacular outcomes, to higher aspirations, to solving a problem so fast it becomes the latest, greatest solution.
Raise up your consciousness. Let your mind be free to touch upon cosmic truths, wisdoms unfolding…and do not, never, ever…play the game of poor-me, victimization and self doubt.
Doubt only the negating thoughts that cross the mind. Doubt what others say is not possible. Doubt your past that may be influencing a future or present outcome. Do not doubt that you can you show up with truth in your eyes, a deeper reality in your actions and manifestations.
Watch closely how you are creating, and un-creating, what you do not want, so as to get you closer to what you do want.
Fly close to the sun, with protective wings. Believe with heart and soul that everything works out exactly the way it is supposed to if you will perceive this bliss, see it, become it.
For what is the most perfect day you can have? One filled with love and caring and unbridled enthusiasm—with hopefulness that breathes life into your unwavering faith.
Living is easy; it is us getting in the way of us that seems to muddle up the mix.
Be light of heart, be cheerful of countenance, be a force of good, of who you know you really are….powerful, wonderful and filled with the spirit of highlife living.
Just be committed today to watch each thought, and release the negating ones like minnows back upstream so you can catch a big one, a glimpse, an epiphany of what really is going on here.