Look for the Good
No matter what happens in your life, not only look for the good, what good can come out of this or any situation, look for the value, the lesson, the benefit, “The seed of an equivalent benefit,” as Napoleon Hill would say.
Look for the turning and training of the mind to become stronger, more insightful, filled with hope…stimulated to more inspiring thoughts on how to succeed faster, no matter what happens, especially those things that may appear negative, or difficult or a problem or an issue you have to deal with, especially those things that require massive energy and well-planned solutions and seem as if they are disguised as defeat or setbacks.
“For there is no failure, there is only temporary defeat,” According to Andrew Carnegie.
There is no giving up with a mind that is strong and invincible and dedicated to finding the good, the truth, the reasons for making something miraculous out of something that may seem like a hardship at the time.
Life is filled with these seemingly turning points, challenges, these twists in the expected, these discouragements.
But be of sound mind, of superior spirit and chase away the doubt, the negative thoughts and watch the mind get stronger, devise new plans, become so fertile with new possibilities that a fork in the road is but a better direction to go…a setback is a way, as Henry Ford once said, “To begin in a more intelligent way.”
Believe that you can attain, you can reign champion of your own life with the sheer strengthening of your will, with the right mental fortitude and attitude and gratitude that all is well.
All are lessons on the road to find out. All is in the plan to take two steps back and go forward a mile…with a smile, with the resolve that you can and will train your mind to look for the value, the benefit, the truth, the lessons, the gain from every difficulty, every seemingly early setback in the long goals that are being accomplished right now, in your magical life.
No matter where you are, what you are doing, what is going on in your life, train your mind to see, to look for, to uncover the good, the possibilities, the truth, the beauty, the mystical parts of an infinite life, an infinite progression toward your own intimate life that truly is filled with awe and wonder.
And you can, no matter what happens, gain ground. Become wiser. Be the light in this world that can torch a dream, that can light the dark paths, that can give hope and inspiration to those who have yet to train their minds to turn around on a dime, to become more than they are even aware of.
Be the example that shines, that leads the way, helps others not with a handout, but with ideas and enlightening notions and excited plans that they too can accomplish and earn, and get, and dream, and create the life they choose in their own heads.
Look. See. Believe that everything you need is right here, that you can rise above all difficulties and with vision and the long view, and with a burning passion to achieve your own dreams. And you will leave a wake of hope and truth to those who have yet to understand these principles of living a remarkable life.