The Wee Hours of the Morning
Before dawn, when silence and darkness are about to chase away the stars, when you are willing and able to make a pact with your very own branded destiny, when your seclusion and unity reign free…in a free mind, a free world of unlimited possibilities…this is where you will find your contentment and power.
This place is where there are no distractions—people are not vying for your time.
This is when you can plan, decide, inspire yourself with no one you must listen to, no one to discuss, abort your mission, or get in the way of clear thinking, distant dreaming, where there is an energy that can supplant the darkness and prays to the opening sun, the light that shall guide and light your path, your unwavering destiny you have chosen.
This is where your individuality merges with an eternal heartbeat, life itself, that is and can be living without obstructions, without fear, with a reverence to all of life: The moon, the stars and the sun, the seasons, the elements, the truth within that projects itself on the mirror of what you believe is…“without.”
The wee hours are yours, gifts from the gods, the ancients, the part of you that is 100% pure contemplation, elation and wonder.
Spend these precious hours in meditation, mediation between you and the infinite worlds that beckon for your spirit and mind to be aligned, to climb from sleepy slumber into the wide awake realities that await you, that will take you by the hand and walk you into this perfect dawn.
This is the secluded time to listen to your own heart, to hear your own wheels turning, to become so much more that you can imagine when flooded with people, tasks, responsibilities that get you off the mark, so often leading you astray and away from your developing dreams.
Take time for these quiet hours just before dawn so to inspire who you really are.
The wee hours are for you! Grab hold. Take them! Believe in them? Enjoy them! Soar!