Creatures of Habit
Not me. I am oblivious to routine, to the same, to the ruts, to the same ol’ same ol’, for I am a master of total new living, all the time, no matter what.
What habits serve you and which ones don’t? Read every day. Okay. Drink a beer every day, maybe not.
Every habit can be improved upon, can be better today than yesterday. And every bad habit, many times unconscious, not aware, not- even-on-the-radar habit, is taking you down, limiting your abilities to fly, to create, to absorb, to gather more knowledge on the information highway that is filled with overkill, high traffic and over stimulation.
And is it really about knowing more that is the objective here, more information, better ways to skin a cat, to scat, to dance, to enjoy? Or is it that we need to be more fluid, more creative and drive home in a helicopter once in a while?
Watch closely how you do things, how you do every single thing that you take for granted, do as an automaton: How you eat, exercise, read, think, smile, play, stay put, concentrate, contemplate, relate to your world, your people, your culture, as you reflect back what you think is true and filter out the rest.
Who are you to play it safe, to make the days speed by because you did everything yesterday just like you are going to do things tomorrow, and somewhere caught between it all is “a today” that is about as mundane as the insane idea of expecting different results.
Gather your wits. Become a seer. Use hard work, belief and a single new idea to catapult you to greatness, to next levels of business, to a life that is spiraling up, burgeoning in harmony with your highest aspirations, a race to win, to begin, to elevate the self so high, you touch the cosmic, the higher consciousness, you are the willow in the wind, the Lao Tzu of Now, the master of the self, the deity on board the last cruise ship out.
“When life goes sideways, it is because you go sideways.” Try something new. Become a creative force unmatched…a gentile in the world of pork producers, a camouflaged necromancer in the land of basic ideas and church going people who believe the Catholic school systems will truly educate out the creativity of our young fertile minds who have forgotten how to be bored yet.
Who are you to stay in the status quo, row with the ladies, genuflect on the altar of “has beens?” It is your day, this very day to explore, to export your ordinary mind and import more ideals, worthy causes, adventures yet known, and worlds still undiscovered.
Contrary to popular believe, Mankind, humans, all six billion or more of us, do not know it all, have not discovered the event horizons of our black hole certainties. Just do one thing today, look up on the internet, the uncertainty principle then go out there and tap dance on the edge of your most prized imagination…the rest is happy feet in new shoes.